Caring for Jasper
Jasper is predominantly made of beeswax and is sucptible to high temperatures. At 60 degrees celcius, Jasper will become malleable and at 65 plus, Jasper will turn to liquid.
These are not temperatures you would normally find in a house, but inside a car left out in the sun.
If Jasper is damaged, you can gently press your fingertips into the wax to mould it back into shape. If Jasper gets dirty, wash with warm soapy water. If Jasper is accidentally crushed under the wheels of a giant truck and is unrecognisably squished beyond repair, collect the remains, put them in boiling water until they melt, let the water and wax cool. When the wax has solidified but is still malleable, shape the wax into your own version of Jasper. And get another Jasper from Vita Sapien as a companion.