The CBD Secretariat has accepted five Vita Sapien delegates as observers to COP-15. Two Vita Sapien delegates will attend in-person.
Vita Sapien views CBD COP-15 as one of the most important gatherings of humans in history because here will be decided the terms of the relationship between humans and nature in the critical decades where we either transform our civilization and stay, or fail to transform and perish along with most other species on Earth.
With environment ministers from hundreds of countries attending COP-15 to finalize the text of the Kunming Declaration, Vita Sapien's concern is that these bureaucrats will negotiate the relationship between humans and the Living Planet using politics and economics as their primary motivators. Vita Sapien believes that delegates will deliver a much more sustainable agreement if they are motivated by a spiritual affection for our Living Planet.
So, at COP-15, Vita Sapien will share ecological spirituality and hopefully change the trajectory of human civilization.